Such a great turnout for Warren Pride Clean Up! Thanks WCHS PTSA for making this happen!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Clean up day
Commencement is June 5 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Who says science isn’t fun!? Tarantula dissections, speed of sound labs and more! Thanks for letting us visit today.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Congratulations to these young ladies for winning our prom give away courtesy of Chartwells and Post Road English Gardens.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
The opening night of Rumors brought a packed house. If you didn’t make it tonight, join us Friday or Saturday at 7pm in the Studio Theatre.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Join us on Saturday, April 27th at Warren Central High School for Warren Pride Community Clean Up Day. Registration is required. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Cleanup Day 4/27
Prom Apr 27 @ 6:30, Indiana Roof Ballroom: Prom tickets & guests tickets are attached to the buyer's student ID. All students must have school ID to enter and guests must have a photo ID and accompany the ticket buyer. No admittance after 10 pm. Attending prom is a privilege.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
There will be a WCHS PTSA Meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd from 6:30p-8p in the MediaPlex. Enter WCHS through Door 1.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
It’s a great day for baseball! Tied 3-3 at the bottom of 4.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Baseball vs LC
Lillian Hough is a National Merit Finalist! Congratulations!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Lillian Hough
Part two of the Teen Dating Violence Prevention workshops tomorrow (Monday 4/15) at 5:30 pm.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Dating Violence Prevention
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
It’s always fun to host STEAM Night!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Project Outreach will be hosting a shoe drive 4/8-4/12 to benefit Changing Footprints, an entirely volunteer run local non-profit that distributes shoes to those in need. Please drop off ANY kind of shoe in ANY condition to the WCHS Main Office.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Shoe Drive
What a great night at the CLD Scholarship Gala.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
CLD Gala
Join us April 9th from 6-7:30 for STEAM Night at Warren Central High School and the Walker Career Center!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Respect and Character Award Winners!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Respect and Character Award Winners for Peforming Arts, PE, Science, Social Studies, and World Language Departments. So proud of these fine young individuals!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Congratulations to Destiny Hatcher for being awarded the Presidential Volunteer Leadership Award.
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
Destiny Hatcher and Mr. Shepler
David Bell has been named WTHR student athlete of the month! Congratulations!
almost 6 years ago, Warren Central High School
D Bell