Logan Struewing (12) awarded a Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program for his performance on the PSAT.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Logan Struewing
It’s Hispanic Heritage month! Check out what’s happening in our classrooms.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Our Academy English Department Teachers are all smiles and ready to meet with parents for Parent Teacher Conferences tonight from 6-8p.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Academy Teachers
UNCF and partners are hosting the annual UNCF Scholarship Workshop on September 25th from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm. This is a FREE community wide event for high school juniors, seniors and their parents.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Homefest 2019 is underway! The class kickball competition is fierce.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Ms. Duguid and these six students in her third period class all have PERFECT ATTENDANCE! Congrats for being our August monthly winners. #attendancematters #WarrenWill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
August Attn
It’s Homecoming week in the Warrior Nation. We love when the staff joins in the fun. #tutusandties #Warrenwill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Tutus and ties
Mrs. Campbell's English classes are working on Gothic Literature Horror "Hero" posters for a contest in class. #WarrenWill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Gothic Lit
Our video production classes are working with Dr. Hanson to produce informational videos to share with our families and community.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Video production.
Congratulations to Warren Central graduate and valedictorian Molly Moore for making it to the Paralympic World Championships! We are rooting for you Molly!
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Molly Moore
Our Tech Theatre students receive hands on experience working behind the scenes in Mr. Jacobs' class.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Mr. Jacob's Classroom
Mr. Jacobs classroom 2
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
We want to share the following message from the YMCA with you: “Role Models Needed! Now hiring for YMCA Before and After School Care across Indianapolis! Apply today! https://indymca.org/jobs/”
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township
YMCA Before & After School Image
Bienvenido a la clase de español de la Sra. Kuonen. Hoy estamos aprendiendo sobre los viajes y las aerolíneas.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Mrs. Kuonen's Spanish II Class
Today we are recognizing some of our runners. They are those that go above and beyond each day.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
The best principals do whatever it takes to make sure teachers are taken care of.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Handy work.
Wake up Warrior Nation! It’s time for the first morning pep rally of the year with @wish_tv! #warriornation #warrenwill
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Pep Rally
Class of 2020 students are present and focused this morning as they meet with their cohort team.
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
Cohort Mtg.
Congratulations to our 2019 AP Scholars!
over 5 years ago, Warren Central High School
AP Scholars
NOTE: The delay time for departures from the elementary and intermediate & middle schools is approximately 20 minutes.
over 5 years ago, MSD Warren Township