Greetings, This is Mrs. Taylor, proud principal of Warren Central High School calling with a few updates and reminders. I am excited to say we had a wonderful first full week of school and I am even more excited and hopeful for the weeks to come. This week we were able to successfully complete our first round of town hall meetings with all students. These town halls were used as an opportunity to make sure that students knew who their administrative team is, made students aware of expectations and changes to school policy, and more importantly it talked about our commitment to them as a school to make sure they make it to the finish line, which is graduation. Parents, we ask that you continue to encourage your student to show up and give their all. The attendance goal is 97% for all students. Students should "strive for five". Meaning the goal is to miss 5 or less days of school.
Please note that the CORE room is up and running and designed to provide immediate feedback and support to students who are late to class. Students should be encouraged to report directly to class and not stop and chat. The hallways are admittedly a little crowded due to limited routes but students are allotted plenty of time to make it from class to class. Additionally, our dress code policy has had a slight change with students now being able to wear hats or hoods up on their hoodies during the school day. The only exceptions to this rule are for those classes that require a dress uniform due to the nature of the class or safety concerns. What we are focusing on more moving forward is enforcing the policy that students need to be appropriately covered. These dress code policies include but are not limited to, no halter tops, half tops, bare backs, excessive cleavage, short shorts, sagging pants, and/or pants with holes showing excessive amount of skin. For more details please reference our school dress code policy posted on our school webpage.
For students who were not here during orientation or registration to have ID pictures taken, makeup pictures will take place this Monday, August 8. Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for school pictures. Lastly, we are excited to see you all this Thursday, August 11th, for our Back To School Night. This will give you an opportunity to meet and greet your students' teachers and hear about all of the great learning that is going to be taking place daily.
Have a wonderful evening and as always thank you for allowing me to serve your students