Greetings, this is Mrs. Taylor, proud principal of Warren Central High School.
We continue to have a great start to our school year. Please continue to encourage your students to remain active in their classes and utilize the resources around them. Students are navigating the block schedule well and many are learning that a big part of having success "on the block" is by utilizing time in class wisely. Through the use of our WARRIOR protocol to organize the structure of classes, time is built into classes for students to engage in interactive learning, ask questions of teachers, work collaboratively with peers, and get a jumpstart on assignments. I am also excited to report that we have "opened WC+ Advisory time meaning students may utilize their 8th period on different days to get additional help/tutoring from their classroom teachers during the day, complete makeup tests/assignments, participate in club activities, and join different groups that are happening at this time. Please talk with your student about how they are using their time throughout the day. Our new block schedule is built to provide as much time during the day to support all of our learners' needs.
September 3, 2024, will be a district wide eLearning day. Students will be assigned work through their Canvas courses. The completion of their assignments through Canvas is how students' attendance will be marked for the day. Please be on the lookout for more information regarding the upcoming eLearning day and assignments to be completed.
Thank you for all you do to support WCHS and your students.
Have a great evening.