Greetings, this is Mrs. Taylor, proud principal of Warren Central High School! 

We have 25 days remaining until the end of the school year. Students and teachers are working hard to "finish strong". Please be sure to keep up with all that is happening at Warren Central and throughout the district as many important events, important deadlines, and celebrations will be taking place. 

Parents and guardians of seniors are especially encouraged to check your emails regularly and encourage your seniors to regularly check their emails. There are lots of senior specific events, celebrations, and required activities that all seniors need to be aware of in preparation for graduation. This past Friday we held our last Senior Townhall of the year where we shared with seniors details pertaining to senior week, senior luncheon, graduation rehearsal, graduation report time, ticket distribution, and sharing of what is needed academically to graduate and participate in the graduation ceremony. Please check in with your students on what was shared and if there are any clarifying questions please reach out directly to your student's counselor. 

Finally, Prom will take place this Saturday, April 27th. Last day to purchase tickets during lunch is this Thursday, April 25th. There will be no tickets sold at the door or available past this Thursday. 

As always, thank you for allowing us to serve you and your students! 

Have a great evening.