Good evening, this is Rich Shepler, Principal of Warren Central High School. This week is College GO! Week. The College GO! Campaign aims to promote furthering education beyond high school. You may find more information about admissions and other resources by visiting www.learnmoreindiana.org.
Additionally, we are thrilled about this week’s Pink-out. This week is filled with activities to promote awareness and research for cancer research. Our Warrior athletes will be in full pink gear during our sporting events this week to support the cause. Please see the athletic calendar for dates and times. All donations will go to the Komen and other cancer research foundations.
As we continue to monitor excessive absences and tardies, the attendance team has begun notifying students and parents with five or more tardies to inform them and their families that they will be required to attend the Saturday safety awareness session. In addition, cohort teams will begin referring students with excessive absences to a grade-level intervention session. Attendance is vital to the educational process. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic success and chances for graduating.
As always, thank you for your time and have a great evening.