Published 12/15/23
More than 15,000 Palestinians have been killed from the Israeli strikes on Gaza and the West Bank since Oct. 7, and a permanent ceasefire is far from being called. As all of this happens, the importance and seriousness of this situation is greatly unknown by the United States and students of this generation.
On Oct. 7, 2023, an Islamic Resistance Movement called Hamas attacked Israel killing 1,200 innocent people. In response, Israel has launched over 600 bombs in the span of a month, killing 20,000 innocent Palestinians. Israel has additionally cut off their food, water and electricity. They have been caught using propaganda to try to win people’s favor and point the blame at Palestine, using illegal war weapons and even guiding innocent civilians, who are trying to escape, into bombings. Israel responded saying they are directly attacking Hamas, that Hamas are the ones controlling the media and what is coming out about Palestine, but have not given proof. Israel says that they are attacking and demanding the release of the hostages Hamas has taken, but when Hamas had said they would surrender “some” civilians for the bombing to cease, Israel did not accept their offer and continued the bombings.
“It cannot be denied that what happened on October 7 was a horrible act of barbarism that the world community must respond to,” history teacher William Hudgins said. “The most important thing is to keep this conflict from becoming a broader war in the Middle East. As of today, it seems that the neighboring countries along with other world powers are working earnestly to contain the conflict and mitigate the most tragic parts of it. It still may get worse before it gets better.”
It is the upsetting truth that this, in fact, may get worse before it will get better, and while this is a frustrating realization, and nearly as frustrating is the inaction of people in the United States, particularly the younger generation.
Many try to ignore it and don't want to acknowledge this violence, and some attempt to stay neutral not wanting to be involved with politics, but this is not about politics, it is about humanity. The people of Palestine try to use their voice, recording their dead relatives and screaming for the world to hear and see, but they are voiceless. This is why people around the world need to use theirs. Inform, share and post. In a world where everything is on a screen and with this generation having the ability to influence social media, students and younger generations choose to shut down their devices and look the other way. The innocent men, women and children of Palestine do not have that choice.
“It should be talked about a lot more in the news and try to get people to know exactly what is going on because I feel like a lot of people don’t know exactly what is going on,” senior McLawrence Tilias said. “They just follow the media and they should really push this more to the audience.”
As a history teacher, Hudgins said he is trying to inform his students.
“I try to mention it in the news of the day in my dual credit classes and suggest outlets students can go to if they want to learn more about it,” he said. “The challenge is this is such a complex situation to wrap one’s brain around that it would take a lot of class time to go through, and I am not sure how many students would truly grasp the importance of what we are encountering in that part of the world.”
Benjamin Buchanan, an integrated physics and science teacher, also wishes there was more conversation surrounding the current events.
“People primarily don’t even know why the war is taking place other than people don’t like each other but they don’t even know why they don’t like each other or what they’re upset about.”
Many believe that this started on Oct. 7, 2023, but this occupation started in 1947, 76 years ago. Israel was created as a place for people of Jewish descent in Palestine, but over the years Zionists have violently taken control of Palestine. What is left of Palestine is the Gaza Strip and scattered territory of the West Bank. The occupation of Israel has completely left Palestine defenseless, leaving the option to have Hamas be their leaders. Up until today, Israel has tried many operations to take over Palestine and take all their resources. From the river to the sea, Palestine wishes to be free.
Israel has one of the greatest armies in the world and are backed up by the world’s greatest empire, the United States of America. With many politicians, companies and even celebrities who support the violence in Israel, it is up to the people to try and pressure the government to stop this unnecessary war. They can do this by informing and sharing on social media, peacefully protesting for the call of a full ceasefire and boycotting companies and brands that support Israel. While people cannot fully boycott every company in support of Israel, there are three major ones to try and avoid: Starbucks, for suing their union who showed full support for the people of Palestine; McDonald’s, who are giving out free meals to the Israeli army and the Israeli Defense Force; and Disney, as they sent millions of dollars to Israel for support. Don’t buy, don’t watch and do not support these places. Save money and try to spread information about the current situation the world is facing, because this cannot be ignored.
Voting is another way young people can get involved in not only decisions happening in America but also internationally, according to integrated physics and science teacher Benjamin Buchanan.
“If you are eligible to vote in 2024, see what each candidate is saying on the issue and if it is an actual solution or just some talking point to get people excited that will never actually happen,” Hudgins said.