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Joyous smiles, holiday spirit and even an appearance of Santa were featured at the Student Council's Christmas Child party on Dec. 8.

This event sponsored and gave gifts to 50 kids last year. This year, teachers and students all over the building have sponsored 71 kids from all nine Warren Township elementary schools. 

Behind all of this was a hardworking Student Council staff that aiming to provide and deliver the best Christmas possible for all 71 children.  

“The purpose behind all of this is to help the younger students of Warren Township,” junior Amiyah Patterson said. “They are not as fortunate so this is to help give them the best Christmas possible.”

The hopes for this party were to provide a Christmas to remember for these children. It was well delivered in a well thought out process. 

Student Council members and other student club representatives spent time moving the children around the school to do four activities. Those four activities were gift opening, arts and crafts, food and games. 

A lot of money was needed to help contribute to this festive gathering. Teachers and students have worked hard to raise money in their classes to get gifts for the children. 

“The money comes from the sponsors or teachers we asked to sponsor, and get money for Christmas gifts,” junior Amiyah Patterson said. 

While some teachers set up a time for students to contribute money to help afford gifts, some teachers bought gifts without students' money. English teacher Alison Baldwin sponsored an 8-year-old girl from Brookview Elementary. 

“She wants Barbies, a pink tracksuit, we got her two other outfits, Sorry!, puzzles, an activity book with markers and chocolate candies,” Baldwin said. 

Other teachers like Ben Phillips, who sponsored two brothers from Eastridge Elementary, 8 and 9 years old, and had a parent donate $700 worth of gifts including hoverboards and TVs. 

“Normally I spend around $120 a kid,” Phillips said. “It’s an annual event I can dip into my pocket for.” 

This is a great way for high schoolers to give back to their community volunteering and providing a special evening for kids in the township. 

“It is spreading holiday cheer and showing high school kids how to give back, and elementary school kids look up to highschoolers, " said Hunter Edwards, leading advisor for the Christmas party.

With all that the Student Council does for these kids, it definitely does not go unnoticed. 

“If I had to say there was one event that brightens the township up, it’s the Student Council children's christmas party,” Phillips said.