Map of Latin America

Julie Mitchell 

Exceptional Learners/ML Department Chair & Teacher

“Hispanic Heritage Month, to me, means where we get to celebrate our culture, sharing it with other people and just getting to embrace who we are.

As a teacher and educator, I try to push out resources and picture books for other teachers and educators to use. As far as a parent and a mom, I try to take my kids to the different events around the city of Indianapolis. We just have to remember we have to embrace our culture and our values 365 days and not just during Hispanic Heritage Month.”

Veronica Holmes 

Exceptional Learners/Caseload Coordinator

“It’s educating others about my Cuban culture. As an adult, I’m still learning different things. I love watching all the Hispanic movies that come out on TV. It feels so good seeing my culture represented in the media.”

Kassandra Gillam - Ceramics Teacher

“Hispanic Heritage is a time for us to shine a light on all of the great things that people from Hispanic backgrounds can do and all they can accomplish, because I definitely feel like we’re a group of people that don't get a lot of recognition, and we accomplish and do a lot of great things. One of the biggest ways I connect to my culture, because I didn't grow up around a lot of people from the same culture as me, is through food and music, so all the time, not just Hispanic Heritage Month, I'm always making sure to delve into my culture.

Just like Black History Month, I do think it's important that we recognize and talk about the great accomplishments of people from Hispanic communities outside the month of September. We shouldn't be limited to just a month. We deserve recognition.”

Gerardo Carpio - Junior

“Hispanic Heritage Month, to me, means celebrating every Hispanic heritage. I celebrate with my friends all month. We go out to Mexican restaurants and eat Hispanic dishes. I feel like this month should be recognized more.”

Michel Vargas - Junior 

“Hispanic Heritage Month, to me, means looking back at my roots. I commemorate it by telling my mom to pick me up to go get some tacos because why wouldn’t we, and you know we get two Mexican flags and put it on the back of the truck and just drive around. I just want to say being Hispanic rules, and it’s the best.”

Emilia Zamora Fajardo - Junior

“Hispanic Heritage Month means, to me, getting to show off where you’re from, and you get to present your country and speak good about it. We have a party and go to other parties to celebrate it. We make sure to wear our Salvadorian stuff that day too.”

Hillary Granados - Senior

“Creo que es algo importante y bonito de que tomen en cuenta la comunidad hispana y pues se siente bien. Yo al respecto no hago casi nada pero me gusta ver cómo otras personas lo celebran.”

“I think it is something important and nice that they take the Hispanic community into account and it feels good. I don't do almost anything about it, but I like to see how other people celebrate it.”

Edlin Duran - Senior

“Celebramos la independencia el 15 de septiembre, 14 y 15. Creo que apoyar a todo el país y a respetar a todos las independencias y celebrar el día que le toca.”

“We celebrate independence on September 14 and 15. I think that supporting the entire country and respecting independence and celebrating the day they have.”