This year’s theater team is introducing another play to their catalog, performing “Clue: On Stage” for the first time.
The general plot of Clue is that six people are invited to a mansion by a mysterious man who knows about the faults in their pasts. Then suddenly, when they're all standing together in the same room, the lights go out and one of them is killed. Now they have to find out who the killer is before they are all killed.
“Clue” is no doubt an exciting and suspenseful ride all the way through, according to junior Mareeon Walker, who will play the lead role of Wadsworth.
“We performed ‘The Play That Goes Wrong’ in the past, which I guess is similar in a way,” Walker said. “But this is our first production for ‘Clue.’ I’m happy with my role and I feel like I'll do really well with Wadsworth.”
Like with any piece of theater art, peer-to-peer chemistry has to be strong for the final product to be presentable. Each person must take pride in their role.
“I feel like everyone in theater has an understanding that we all love each other and that we’re all good friends,” senior Lily Trueblood said. “ And of course there are going to be people that don’t like each other, but we all understand that we have to work together in shows and even behind the curtains.”
One of the theater team’s biggest beliefs when it comes to on-stage and behind-the-curtain production is unity. They have to come together for one common goal of putting on the best show they possibly can.
“To make the show the best that it can be is what I think unites the cast as strongly as it does,” senior Antonio Wilson said. “And also to have a great show for yourself too. I feel like it's a sense of pride that I get when the crowd cheers and I know that me and the whole team gave it all we had, but that feeling only comes from knowing how much we improved.”
The show will take place Oct. 5 and 6 at 7 p.m. and Oct. 7 at 5 p.m. in the Warren Performing Arts Center.